An improved peak frequency shift method for Q estimation
I Q信号encode information.Frequency
2 2019-07-10 -
A channel_estimation_based equalization algorithm for fast frequency hopping rad
30 2019-07-07 -
Four Parameter Model Based Motion Estimation in Frequency Domain.pdf
“仿射模型能比块平移模型更好地拟合真实运动场景 ,但待解的参数也相应地增加了. 基于梯度的搜索算法在高阶问题中存在局部极小和收敛速度的缺陷 ,基于 Hough 变换和 Gabor 滤波等的变换域方法同
20 2021-04-20 -
Parameter estimation of FH signals based on optimal kernel time frequency analys
针对传统非线性时频分析方法在跳频(frequency hopping,FH)信号参数估计时,会出现严重的交叉项和参数估计精度降低等问题,引入径向高斯核(radially Gaussian kernel
24 2021-02-20 -
Co prime Sensing Based Frequency Estimation UsingReduced Single Tone Snapshots
Co-prime Sensing-Based Frequency Estimation UsingReduced Single-Tone Snapshots
9 2021-02-19 -
Fault estimation observer design for discrete time systems in finite frequency d
Fault estimation observer design for discrete-time systems in finite-frequency domain
16 2021-02-19 -
Blind carrier frequency offset estimation for MIMO OFDM with constant modulus co
Blind carrier frequency offset estimation for MIMO-OFDM with constant modulus constellations via ran
20 2021-02-09 -
Self Mixing Interferometer Based on Frequency Analysis Method for Accurate Refra
Self-Mixing Interferometer Based on Frequency Analysis Method for Accurate Refractive Index Measurem
12 2021-04-08 -
New method of time frequency representation for ISAR imaging of ship targets
New method of time-frequency representation for ISAR imaging of ship targets
12 2021-04-01 -
Parallel TSS FDTD Method for Analyzing Underwater Low Frequency Electromagnetic
Parallel TSS-FDTD Method for Analyzing Underwater Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Propagation
10 2021-02-09