一个能够将 TAO、DAO、ISO、BIN、IMG、CIF、FCD 等镜象文件内容直接抓取出来的工具.支持各种软件所制作的镜象文件,有 Nero、Duplicator、BlindRead、Easy-CD Creator、CDR-Win、Virtual CD-ROM、CloneCD 等,还可以将 Video CD 的 DAT 文件转换成 MPG 文件. Changes in version 2.3: * Support for DVD-VR (show different recordings) * Support for DVD-VFR discs. Auto-detect the IFO / VOB / BUP file-sets * Support for the DVD+VR standard on DVD-R/W discs * Support for DVD+VR 2.0 Improvements: * DVD+VR Title of recording shown (if available) * DVD-VR Title of recording shown (if available) * DVD+VR TimeStamp pa rsed and shown * DVD+VR "ULEAD SYSTEMS" workarounds (2.0 without proper Video start address / 2.0 without version byte set) * Show GMT Offset when date-time is known for an IFO file object * Auto-recognition support for 2056 byte / block image files * Added IsoBuster path to DOS box PATH variable * SectorView via the command line * Open / Close via the command line * Set install exe's file-version * Remember size of ListView Columns * Display address of Metadata file in UDF properties window * Improved Time and Date display in ListView. Take User-set variations in acount when present. * Various smaller improvements. rsed and shown * DVD+VR "ULEAD SYSTEMS" workarounds (2.0 without proper Video start address / 2.0 without version byte set) * Show GMT Offset when date-time is known for an IFO file object * Auto-recognition support for 2056 byte / block image files * Added IsoBuster path to DOS box PATH variable * SectorView via the command line * Open / Close via the command line * Set install exe's file-version * Remember size of ListView Columns * Display address of Metadata file in UDF properties window * Improved Time and Date display in ListView. Take User-set variations in acount when present. * Various smaller improvements.