Visualization Handbook PDF part 2 of 2
The field of visualization is focused on creatingimages that convey salient information aboutunderlying data and processes. In the pastthree decades, the field has seen unprecedentedgrowth in computational and acquisition technologies,which has resulted in an increasedability both to sense the physical world withvery detailed precision and to model and simulatecomplex physical phenomena. Given thesecapabilities, visualization plays a crucia l enablingrole in our ability to comprehend such largeand complex data—data that, in two, three, ormore dimensions, conveys insight into such diverseapplications as medical processes, earthand space sciences, complex flow of fluids, andbiological processes, among many other areas. l enablingrole in our ability to comprehend such largeand complex data—data that, in two, three, ormore dimensions, conveys insight into such diverseapplications as medical processes, earthand space sciences, complex flow of fluids, andbiological processes, among many other areas.