passive radar from target detection to imaging.pdf
20200308_Deep Learning on Radar Centric3D Object Detection.pdf
14 2020-08-28 -
Subwavelength imaging in photonic crystals with surface modes resulted from the
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Virtual Honeypots From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection
Virtual Honeypots - From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection.chm
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论文研究IR object detection and tracking from a mobile platform.pdf
23 2019-09-19 -
Narrow band radar imaging for off grid spinning targets via compressed sensing
Narrow-band radar imaging for off-grid spinning targets via compressed sensing
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EM based sparse imaging for colocated MIMO radar under phase synchronization mis
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar with colocated antennas is expected to achieve good imag
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ISAR Imaging of Non Uniformly Rotating Target via Range Instantaneous Doppler De
ISAR Imaging of Non-Uniformly Rotating Target via Range-Instantaneous-Doppler-Derivatives Algorithm
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Chromium laced medical capsules detection based on hyperspectral imaging technol
Chromium-laced medical capsules detection based on hyperspectral imaging technology
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Tone Modulation in a Passive OTDM Multiplexer for Clock Recovery from a160Gbit
Tone modulation in a passive OTDM multiplexer for clock recovery from a 160-Gbit/s OTDM signal by us
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论文研究Airborne Multiinput Threedimensional Laser Radar Cooperation Detection Syste
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