选项卡 )、选中 )、在 的下拉菜单里面选择 要检查一下,不要丢掉层。 )、在 的下拉菜单里面选择 )、右边的机械层都不选由第二次输出完成 Gerber Setup General Layers Drill DrawlIng Apertures Adwanced Layers to plot Mechanical Layers[s]to Add to All Plo E Layer Name Plot Mirror Layer Nar G TopOvyerla Mechanicall GTP ToaSte GTS old GTL GB Per Bottom solo GBP Bottom paste GBO Bottom Overlay GK口 KeepUutlayer GM1 Mechanicall GPT Top Pad Master Pe Bottom pad master v Include unconnected mid-layer pad Plot Lay Mir 匚UK[cane 选项卡 )、都不选剔除所有的勾,由第二次输出完成 Gerber Setup General Layers [Dril rau对g4 apertures Advanced Drill Drawing Plots □ Plot all used| aeI pall$ □ Mirror plot Drill Drawing Symbol □ NopLace- Bottomlayer ⊙篮ap ○ Size of hole 50mil Drill guide plots □ Plot all used layer pair □ Mirror plots □ TopLayer-BottomLayer L卟K[ca 选项卡 选中 在其后面的方格里打勾 Gerber Setup General layers‖ Drill Drawing!ApeL』 es: Advanc Embedded apertures(RS274X] Apertures List DCode shape Usage XSize Y Sie Hole Size f the Embedded apertures ay omally 门|s enabled apertures will automat be created from the Pcb each time you generate the output files using this CAM setup f this option is not enabled the aperture list on the right is used Use the buttons to create or load a suitable aperture list Options Maximum aperture size v Generate relief shapr Flash pad shapes N Edit Rename Delete Create List From Pcb oad. Save L卟[camc 选项卡 )、在 设置胶片的人小 如果此处设置不当会在生成时会出现弹出 对话框而 生成失败,拼版或有部分元件跑出板外时最容易出现此问题 )、在 (前导殿后零字符)选 抑 制前导零字符这个选项可以和加工厂商量的 选 )、其余保持默认即可 Gerber setu General Layers Drill Drawing Apertures [AdYanced Film si 8 Thorizontall60000mil Keep leading and trailing zeroes Y Ivertical] O Suppress leading zeroes Border size 1000mil ○ Suppress trailing zeroe Aperture Matching Tolerances Position on film PlL 0. 005mi Refer te orign Minus 0. Comil ⊙ Reference to relatiye origin O Center on filr Batch mod Plotter I ype ⊙ Sepalate file per la ⊙业 sorted [raster] ○ Sorted (vector) □巫54 on aperture change oPtimize change location commands □ Use softy v Generate DRC RI file( RULy Cancel 左键氐击按键,进行第一次输出。(生成的 可不用保存) 第二次输出 在的文作环境中,再次进入 界面, 在第一次设置的基础上做一下修改: 选项卡: )、取消 选项 )、在 的下拉菜单里面选择 要检查一下,不要丢掉层 )、在 的下拉菜单里面选择 )、选中有关板子外框的机械层 Gerber Setup General Layers Dill Drawing Apertures anced To plot Mechanical li 色 dd to all plots Extensio Layer N Plot dirr Layer nal Plot GTO GTP TopPaste GT Topside GTL TopLayer BottomLy GBS Bottom solder GBP BottomPaste GBO Bottomoverlat GKO KeepoutLayer GMI Mechanicall GP Top pad master GPB Bottom pad master L Include unconnected mid-layer pads Plot Layers t LayeRs v 选项卡 )、选择你要导出的层对。一般选择 不选。(钻孔统计图钻孔向导图两个区里面设置要一致)!!!! Gerber Setup General Layers Drill Drawing Apertures Advanced Drill Drawing Plots t ref pairs Mirror plots Drll Drawing 5 symbol TopLayer-BottomLayer ⊙ Graphic sym ○ Size of hole string ○c sWmb。公2e full Drill guide plots 回 Plot all used layer pa □ Mirror plot I TopLayer -BottomL. K 左键点击按键,进行第二次输出。生成的 可不用保存) 第三次输出 在』—的文作环境中,左键点击文件输出制造文件 进入 界面, 1 DXP File Edit View Project Place Esign Tools Auto Route Reports Window Help E New an Crito board 04.PcbDoc CI 匚txL+F4 Open Pr Struts are Cop As 1:5 A Fabrication Output Le Drill Gui de Assembly Outputs Fin Print Pr Files Ctrl+P Mask s Default prints 1C DrilL Fil E Sm art PDF 工 mport wizard Test poi t Recent n Recent Design Worksp aces Embeddedlliving 1 选项 选择 选择这个尺寸精度比较高,当然,也要先和制板加工厂协商确定精度。 )、在 (前导殿后零字符 制前导零字符。这个选项可以和加工厂商量的设置和 的高级选项卡要 保持一致 选 的高级选 项卡要保持一致 )、其他默认选项不变 IC DriII Set pecify the units and format to be used in the Nc d'ill output files This control the units [inches or millimeters and the number of digit s before and after the Format ○rche ○24 ○Mi The number format should be set o suit the requirenent of your design The 2: 3 format has a 1 mil resoltion 2: 4 has a 0. 1 mil resolution, and 2 5 has a 0.01 mil resol tion. If you are u ing one of th highe should check that the pcb manufactuer supports that format. The 2: 4 and 2: 5 formats only need to be chos if there are holep on a grid finer than 1 mil Leading/Trailing zeroes Coordinate positions ○ Keep leading and tr O Reference to abs O Refe ○ Suppress! a ling zeroes che tion comma d Generate separate NU Drll hes bor plated no -plated holes 冂 Use drilled lot command[G85 □ Generate Board Edge且 out paths Rout Tool Dia 200mil K Cancel