Goldindec: A Novel Algorithm for Raman Spectrum Baseline Correction
A novel panoramic image stitching algorithm based on ORB
A Novel Modification of PSO Algorithm for SML Estimation of DOA
From local representation to global face hallucination: a novel super-resolution method by nonnegati
Matlab least squares fitting ellipse Least-Squares-Ellipse-Fit.rar
文件来源于网站:http://www.imagingshop.com/linear-and-nonlinear-least-squares-with-math-net/ 有关使用Math.NET求解线
Active vibration control of aerospace vehicle structures is very a hot spot and in which filter-u le
A Novel Color Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on QWT and DCT
MP3 is the most widely used audio format nowadays in our daily life, while MP3 audio often be forged