Yod'm (Yet anOther Desktop Manager)3D是一位法国软件爱好者编译的虚拟桌面程序,它可以让你的系统桌面呈现3D效果,比vista的3D更酷,让你真正体验3D效果桌面! 使用方法: ---------------------------- 支持自定义快捷键 CTRL+SHIFT+Left/Right = 翻转桌面 CTRL+SHIFT+Up = 激活并显示远看效果,按 Left 或 right 进行反转 CTRL+SHIFT+Down = 激活并显示近看效果,按 Left 或 right 进行反转 长按 CTRL+SHIFT 可以利用鼠标左键反转,利用滑轮进行放大或缩小 1、适用于 Windows Vista 或 XP,不支持 win2000 或更旧的版本 2、需要支持 DirectX 9 Yod'm 3D (short for: Yet anOther Desktop Manager 3D) is a virtual desktop manager available for Windows 2000, XP and Vista. It is notably the first program t o offer a cube-style virtual desktop management feature on Windows operating systems.It offers a "cube-effect" like e.g. VirtueDesktops for Mac OS X or Compiz and Beryl for the X Window System when switching between virtual desktops. It's the first desktop manager that makes this feature available on Microsoft Windows. Yod'm 3D makes use of and requires DirectX 9 in contrast to most other virtual desktop managers that use OpenGL. It does not require installation to run. Yodm3d 1.4 is the last free version and its hosted by KLT.注意喽,这版本是最后的免费版,以后都是要付费的哦 o offer a cube-style virtual desktop management feature on Windows operating systems.It offers a "cube-effect" like e.g. VirtueDesktops for Mac OS X or Compiz and Beryl for the X Window System when switching between virtual desktops. It's the first desktop manager that makes this feature available on Microsoft Windows. Yod'm 3D makes use of and requires DirectX 9 in contrast to most other virtual desktop managers that use OpenGL. It does not require installation to run. Yodm3d 1.4 is the last free version and its hosted by KLT.注意喽,这版本是最后的免费版,以后都是要付费的哦