由于越来越多的网络攻击,尤其是在线系统的网络攻击,迫切需要开发和运行自适应入侵检测系统(IDS)来保护这些系统。 这仍然是实现这一目标的最重要目标,也是要解决的严峻挑战。 已经开发并在遗传算法(GA)
A meaningful modification for the Tang-Toennies potential model: Application to He-He potential,盛晓伟,
The nanoparticles ZnO had been prepared on the surface of ZnS:Cu by homogeneous precipitate method.
Morphology Modification of Silver Microstructures Fabricated by Multiphoton Photoreduction
聚乙烯结晶改性氧化石墨纳米薄片,张磊,唐建国,本文报道了一种利用聚乙烯在氧化石墨纳米薄片(GONPs)上结晶来对其改性的方法。氧化石墨选用改良的Hummers方法制备, 并在乙醇中超声�
Modification of View Field in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
An efficient estimation of distribution algorithm with rank-one modification and population reductio
Modification of particle swarm optimization with human simulated property
A Novel Modification of PSO Algorithm for SML Estimation of DOA