December 28. 99 \beginttheorem]see \newtheorem \cap is n(lath Inode) \beginttitlepagej is an environment with no \caption Lloftitle]itext] creates a numbered page number, and causes following page to be caption in a figure or table environment Optional loftitl tains entry for the list of \begintverbatim) starts an environment which figures if different from text will be typeset exactly as you type it, carriage \ccltext] declares list of copy recipients for returns and all, usually in typewriter font letter document style \begintverse) starts an environment for poetry cdot is·( math mode) with wider marginS, Io paragraph indenting, \cdots makes three dots centered on the line and ragged right, margin (of. \ldots)(math mode) \beta is B(math mode \centering declares that all text following is to \bf switches to bold face type be centered (cf. \beginicenter)) \bibitemfref] text creates a bibliography entry \chapter ltoctitle]text begins a new text numbers it and labels it with reference section automatically headed and numbered label ref Optional toctitle contains entry for the table \bibliographyifile]- insert bibliography of contents if different from text from file name. bib at this point in text \chapter*ititle is like \chapterititle, but \bibliographystyleistyle)a format adds no chapter number or table of contents specifier. like \documentstyle entry. bigcap is∩( math mode) \check makes a hacek, as a(math mode \bigcirc isO(math mode) \chi is x(math mode bigcup is∪( math mode) \circ is o(math mode) Abigodot is (ath Iode \circletdiameter] as a valid argument for \put Abigoplus is (math mode inl a picture environnent, draws a circle Abigotimes is (math modc) \circle*diameter is like \circle, but draws \bigtriangledown is v(math mode) a. solid circle \bigtriangleup is A(math mode) \\cite [subcit]iref] produces a reference, in Abigskip-standard"big" vertical skip square brackets, to a bibliographic item created Abigskipamount- default length for \bigskip with \bibitemtref. Optional sub-citation subcit can be inserted in the entry \bigsqcup is [(math mode) \\cleardoublepage forces next page to be a Abiguplus is t(math modc) right-hand, odd-numbered page \bigvee is v(math mode) \clearage ends a page where it is, and puts bigwedge is(math mode) pending figures or tables on separate float \bmod is binary modulo expression u mod m pages with no text (math mode) \clineli-j draws a horizontal line across Aboldmath changes math italics and math columns i throughj inclusive in array or symbols to boldface. Should bc uscd outside of tabular environments math mode \closingttext] declares the closing in letter bot is⊥( math mode) document style \bottomfraction- maximum fraction of page \clubsuit is +(math mode) occupied by floats at the bottom \columnsep- distance between columns in \bowtie is A(math mode) two-column text Box is口( math mode) \columnseprule- width of the rule between \breve makes a breve accent: a(math mode) columns on two-column pages. bullet is·( math mode) \columnwidth- width of the current colulIl \c is a cedilla, as c Equals \textwidth in single-column text \cal produces calligraphic letters, as B(math \cong is =(math mode mode \coprod is II (math mode LATEX Command Summary copyright isC Adocumentstyle [substy]isty j determines \cos is cos(math mode) default font, headings, etc, for document of \cosh is cosh(math mode) style sty (and optional substyle substy) Sty les: article, book, letter, report \cot is cot(math mode) slides. Substyles: 11pt, 1 i',d,draft \coth is coth(math modc) fleqn, leno, twocolumn, twoside \csc is csc (math modc) \dot makes a dot over a letter: a(math mode) \cup is U(math mode \doteq is =(math mode) \d is a"dot under"accent, as o \dotfill expands to fill horizontal space with \dag is 1. \dagger is t(math mode Adoublerulesep horizontal distance bctwccn \dashboxidwid(width,height)pos]itext vertical rules created by I I in tabular or array environment creates a dashed rectangle around text in a picture environment. Dashes are dwid units Adownarrow is \Downarrow is ( mode wide: dimensions of rectangle are width and \ell is e(math mode height; text is positioned at optional pos(see \em toggles between roman and italic fonts for positions on page 8) emphasis \dash is+(math modc) \emptyset is g(math mode \datefadate declares the datc for the \enclttext declares a list of enclosures for \maketitle command. The default is \ toda letter document style \day- current day of the month \endtcnvironment] cnds an cnvironment begun \dblfloatpagefraction minimum fraction of by \beginfenvirorueTl](qv) a foat page that must be occupied by floats, for \epsilon is t(Illath Inode two-column float pages \dblfloatsep-- distance between floats at the equIV Is≡( math mode) top or bottom of a two-column float page \eta is n(math mode) \dbltextfloatsep- distance between \evensidemargin- distance between left side of double-width floats at the top or bottom of page and text's normal left margin, for two-column page and the text on that page even-numbered pages in two-sided printing \abltopfraction- maximum fraction at the exists is彐( math mode) top of a two-column page that may be occupied \exp is exp(math mode \fboxftext] makes a framed box around text. \ddag is t \fboxrule thickness of ruled frame for \fbox Addagger is =(math mode and framebox \ddot makes a dieresis over a letter: a(math \fboxsep- space between Raine and text for mode \fbox and \ framebox \ddots produces a diagonal ellipsis',(math Afill- rubber length(glue)that can stretch to Ditrary length. USu to justify text a \deg is deg(math mode) particular way \delta is 8. \Delta is A(ath lode) \flat is b(math mode det is det(math Inode) \floatpagefraction- minimum fraction of a \diamond is o. \Diamond iso(both math mode Hoat page occupied by foats Afloatsep- distance between floats that appear \diamondsuit is(math mode at the top or bottom of a text page \dim is dim(math mode \flushbottom causes pages to be stretched to \displaystyle switches to displaymath or \textheight. equation environment ty resetting (math \fnsymbolicounter] prints counter as onc of mode the set of“ footnote symbols”. counter must \div is:(math mode) be less than 10 December 28. 99 \footheight- height of box at bottoin of page \headsep- vertical distance between bottoin o that holds page number head and top of text \footnoteftext creates a footnote of text Aheartsuit is o(math mode \footnotemark puts a footnote number into the Ahfill is \hspacef\fill(cf. \fill) Thine dr \footnotesep- height of strut placed at of a tabular or array environment. beginning of footnote \hom is hom(math mode \footnotesize switches to footnote-sized type \hookleftarrow is +(math mode Afootskip- vertical distance between bottom of \hookrightarrow is (math mode) ng with a new lette \glossaryitext) appends text to the. glo file \inf is inf (math mode by writing a glossaryentry command \infty is o(math mode \glossaryentryitextHref is written to the \inputifile brings in text from file. tex at glo file for \glossaryitext] occurring at that point reference ref int is∫( nath imode) grave flakes a grave accent: a (lllath Inode) \intextsep- vertical space placed above and \H prints a long Hungarian umlaut, as 0 below foat in middle of text \hat Illakes a circunflex: a(lath Inode) \iota is t(math mode) \hbar is h(math mode \it switches to Italic type headheight- height of box at top of page that \item [text] indicates a list entry text is holds running head optional, used in description environment LATEX Command Summary \itemindent- extra indentation before label ill 1 eftrightarrow is→.\ Leftrightarrow is台 list item. Default is omm (math mode \itemsep- vertical space between successive list \leq is