The files in this directory comprise ANSI-C language reference implementaTIons
of the CCITT (InternaTIonal Telegraph and Telephone ConsultaTIve Committee)
G.711, G.721 and G.723 voice compressions. They have been tested on Sun
SPARCstaTIons and passed 82 out of 84 test vectors published by CCITT
(Dec. 20, 1988) for G.721 and G.723. [The two remaining test vectors,
which the G.721 decoder implementation for u-law samples did not pass,
may be in error because they are identical to two other vectors for G.723_40.]
This source code is released by Sun Microsystems, Inc. to the public domain.
Please give your acknowledgement in product literature if this code is used
in your product implementation.
Sun Microsystems supports some CCITT audio formats in Solaris 2.0 system
software. However, Sun's implementations have been optimized for higher
performance on SPARCstations.
The source files for CCITT conversion routines in this directory are:
g72x.h header file for g721.c, g723_24.c and g723_40.c
g711.c CCITT G.711 u-law and A-law compression
g72x.c common denominator of G.721 and G.723 ADPCM codes
g721.c CCITT G.721 32Kbps ADPCM coder (with g72x.c)
g723_24.c CCITT G.723 24Kbps ADPCM coder (with g72x.c)
g723_40.c CCITT G.723 40Kbps ADPCM coder (with g72x.c)