Android代码 frodo2
Android代码Android DivergeView
Android-DivergeView 仿美拍直播的点赞动画。 Project site: . 效果图 原理 使用贝塞尔曲线的自定义view。 使用 该项目有三种效果,分别位于项目的DivergeVi
7 2020-07-19 -
Android代码Android ContactPicker
Android-ContactPicker The Android Contact Picker is a beautifully designed component to pick one or
10 2020-07-19 -
Android代码android justifiedtextview
JustifiedTextView Implement justified textview base on the native TextView. Let text displays fill t
12 2020-07-19 -
Android代码Android references
Awesome Android > 该项主要用来收集和整理开发过程中经常用到的三方库和控件,并包含一些演示代码。[可以参考下文来了解更多的内容] 代码清单 1、整体结构 /----- /----
12 2021-05-04 -
Android代码Android YRichEditor
Android-YRichEditor an android richedtor with native implementation Demo Download Feature 支持图文并排。 支持
7 2020-07-20 -
Android代码android coroutines
This library works, but it's API is not yet stable. It was developed as proof of concept, the best A
21 2020-07-21 -
Android代码sqlite android
Android SQLite support library This is an Android specific distribution of the latest versions of SQ
24 2020-07-20 -
Android代码android iconify
Iconify offers you a huge collection of vector icons to choose from, and an intuitive way to add and
8 2020-07-20 -
Android代码android app
Mixin Android app Mixin Android messenger, wallet and light node to the Mixin Network Summary Writte
35 2020-07-20 -
Android代码StfalconPriceRangeBar android
Stfalcon-PriceRangeBar Demo Application Who we are Need iOS and Android apps, MVP development or pro
6 2021-05-01