Raleway Medium字体
Reversible storage of multiple light pulses in the EIT atomic medium
In this paper, we first present a full numerical simulation for the trapping and retrieval procedure
14 2021-02-21 -
Goos Hanchen shift on transmission at the interface of a weakly absorbing medium
6 2020-08-09 -
Emission spectra of aΞtype three level atom in a Kerr medium
We investigate the emission spectra of a Ξ-type three-level atom interacting with a single-mode opti
19 2021-02-19 -
Nonlinear wake amplification by an active medium in a cylindrical waveguide usin
Cerenkov wake amplification can be used as an accelerating scheme, in which a trigger bunch of elect
9 2021-02-07 -
Effective medium theory of checkboard structures in the long wavelength limit
Effective medium theory is a powerful tool to solve various problems for achieving multifarious func
10 2021-02-01 -
7 2021-02-01 -
608 2019-02-17 -
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7 2021-02-01