99 Bottles of OOP A Practical Guide to Object Oriented Design 1st Edition
“Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it.” Likewise, everyone has an opinion about what good code looks like, but those opinions don’t help you create it. This book fills that gap. It explains the process of writing good code, and teaches you to achieve beautifully pr
Design Patterns Elements Of Reusable Object Oriented Software.pdf
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Data Structures And Algorithms With Object_Oriented Design Patterns In Python
Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns In Python 一本讲Python设计数据结构和算法的英文书
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Data Structures and Algorithms with Object_Oriented Design Patterns in Java
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Design_Patterns Elements of Reusable Object_Oriented Software
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Design Patterns and Object Oriented Programming in Visual Basic6
Design Patterns and Object Oriented Programming in Visual Basic 6 and VB.NET (VBL)
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Analyzing the Evolutionary History of the logical design of object_oriented soft
Analyzing the Evolutionary History of the logical design of object-oriented software
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A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design面对对象设计
A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design, 面对对象设计权威辅导书
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Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications3rd Editon
Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 3rd Editon
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