OSEK 网络管理标准 2.52
El OSEK/VDX Network management Concept and Application Programming Interface 4. System generation and APl....... 85 4.1. Overview 4.2. Conventions for Service Description 87 4.2.1. System Generation....... ......87 4.2.2. Type of calls.............,...,,,,............,,...............87 4.2.3. Error characteristics ...···:...·······.···········.·· 87 4.2.4. Structure of the description 88 4.3. General Data Types ·,···············.························ 39 4. 4. Common services 89 4.4.1. Standard Functionality................................89 4.4.2. Configuration Management 92 4.4.3. Operating Modes and Operating Mode management 98 45. Services for direct nm 102 4.5.1. Standard functionality 102 4.5.2. Operating Modes and Operating Mode Management 102 4.5.3. Data Field Management ...103 4.6. Services for indirect nm 垂。音垂音垂d 106 4.6.1 Standard functionality 106 4.6. 2. Configuration Mangement 106 5. Impacts upon Os, COM and the data link layer DD垂垂垂垂垂看垂。。;看.·垂 107 5.1. Error codes.......,......4107 5.2. Common impacts 垂音垂 垂酯画 ...108 5.2.1. Requirements of the data link layer .108 5.2. 2. Requirements of oseK Operating System(OSEK OS) 5.3. Impacts from direct NM 垂 5.3.1. Interface to the data link layer............... 5.4. Impacts from indirect NM l12 5.4.1. Interface to OSEK Communication(OSEK COM) l12 History 115 7. Implementation proposal (direct NM).......................116 7.0.1 Overview of internal activities 7.0.2.SpcifictionofintermalActivitis......19 7.0.3. NMPDU∴ 124 7.0.4. Scalability......,.,.,.,.,....,..................129 7. 1. Implementation proposal (indirect NM) 131 7.1.1. Scalability.....................................................131 7. 1.2. Implementation hints 132 7. 1.3. Summary of SDL state diagram graphical notation.....134 7.2. Outlook... .135 8.Index 137 Page 2 ◎ by OseK/VDX NM Concept APl 2.5.2 E OSEK/VDX Network management Concept and Application Programming Interface Introduction There is an increasing tendency for electronic control units(ECUs) made by different manufacturers to be networked within vehicles by serial data communication links Therefore, standardization of basic and non-competitive infrastructure in ECUs aims at avoiding the design of unnecessary variants and saving development time In the scope of the OsEK/VDX co-operation, the Network Management system (NM) provides standardized features which ensure the functionality of inter-networking b standardized interfaces The essential task of NM is to ensure the safety and the reliability of a communication network for ECus In a vehicle a networked ecu is expected to provide certain features each node has to be accessible for authorized entities maximum tolerance with regard to temporary failures support of network related diagnostic features At a basic configuration stage, nm implementations complying with osek specifications must be implemented in all networked nodes This implies a solution for NM which can be implemented throughout the broad range of available hardware offered in today s ECUs Therefore, the status of the network must be recorded and evaluated uniformly at all ecus at intervals. Thus each node features a determined behavior as regards the network and the application concerned oSEK NM offers two alternative mechanisms for network monitoring indirect monitoring by monitored application messages, and direct monitoring by dedicated NM communication using token principle However, the use of these mechanisms is up to the system responsible. Processing of information collected by these mechanisms must be in accordance with requirements as regards to the entire networked system System status In view of the application, NM comprises two standardized interfaces e Software Application program NM Network behavior. Station