全局子序列比对Global Sequence Alignment
33 2019-07-23 -
Evaluating the Quality of Face Alignment without Ground Truth
Evaluating the Quality of Face Alignment without Ground Truth
9 2021-04-05 -
Accelerating pairwise statistical significance estimation for local alignment by
Accelerating pairwise statistical significance estimation for local alignment by harvesting GPU's po
9 2021-02-23 -
The Effect of Temporal Alignment on Audiovisual Integration in a Divided Attenti
The Effect of Temporal Alignment on Audiovisual Integration in a Divided Attention Task
11 2021-02-17 -
Adversarial Learning for Weakly Supervised Social Network Alignment
Adversarial Learning for Weakly-Supervised Social Network Alignment
8 2021-02-09 -
The alignment and imaging experiment of a telescope with wavefront coding techno
Wavefront coding (WFC) is kind of computational imaging technique that controls misfocus and misfocu
24 2021-02-09 -
A Parallel Pairwise Alignment with Pruning for Large Genomic Sequences
Pairwise sequence alignment is a common and fundamental task in Computational Biology, which constit
13 2021-02-09 -
Alignment of optical axis parallelism in multi axis system
Alignment and testing of optical axis parallelism are the key problems in alignment of a multi-optic
24 2021-02-08 -
cgdc2016building paragon in ue4160808045843.pdf
虚幻官方如何制作《虚幻竞技场》这款游戏的。文档是中文的,很多实操方法,可以学习学习!来自于cgdc 2016年的分享,现在可以直接参照着用来制作手游开发!
5 2020-09-02 -
Paragon Partition Manager Pro v8.0Build326
12 2020-06-02