MODIS Reprojection Tool The MODIS tiled Land products are generated by the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS), located at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, as gridded output in the Sinusoidal (SIN) projection. These data products are then sent to the LP DAAC for archive and distribution. MRT enables users to read data files in HDF-EOS format (MODIS Level-2G, Level-3, and Level-4 land data products), specify a geographic subset or specific science data sets as input to processing, perform geographic transformation to a different coordinate system/cartographic projection, and write the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS. The MODIS Reprojection Tool is available for use by all registered users. The MODIS Tool will undergo further development to correct problems as they are detected, incorporate additional functionality, and be modified to enhance computational performance. The funding support for this work comes from the NASA Earth Science Data and Information Systems (ESDIS) Project. Associated Software Java Runtime Environment (JRE) a different coordinate system/cartographic projection, and write the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS. The MODIS Reprojection Tool is available for use by all registered users. The MODIS Tool will undergo further development to correct problems as they are detected, incorporate additional functionality, and be modified to enhance computational performance. The funding support for this work comes from the NASA Earth Science Data and Information Systems (ESDIS) Project. Associated Software Java Runtime Environment (JRE)