SO/EC148822011(E Contents Contents i List of tables List of Fig 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Terms and definitions 1. 4 Implementation compliance 5 1.6 Syntax notation 6 1. The C++ 1. 8 The C++ object model 1. 9 Program exccution 1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races 12 1.11 Acknowledgments 2 Lexical conventions 17 2.1 Scparatc translation 17 2.2 Phases of translation 3 Charactcr sct 18 2.4T 2.5 Preprocessing tokens 20 2.6 2.7 Tokens 21 2.8 Comment: 2.9 Header names 2.10 Preprocessing numbers 2.11 Identifiers 22 2.12 Keywords 23 2.13 Operators and punctuators 24 2.14 Literals 3 Basic concepts 34 3.1 Declarations and definitions 3.2 One definition rule 36 3.3 cope 新 45 3.5P d link 59 3. 6 Start and termination 62 orage duratio 3.8 Object, lifetime 69 3.9 Types 3.10 Lvalues and rvalucs Cont O ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved 111 lsO"EC14882:2011(E 3.11 Alignment 80 4 Standard conversions 81 4.1 Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion 4.2 Array-to-pointcr conversion 4.3 Function-to-pointer conversion 82 4.4 Qualification conversions 4.5 Integral promotions .83 4.6 Floating point promotion 4.7 Integral conversions 4.8 Floating point conversions 4.9 Floating-integral conversions 88888 1.10 Pointer 4.11 Pointer to member conversions 着 85 4.12 Boolean coulversioiis 4.13 Inte 86 s Expressie 5. 1 Primary expressions 5.2 Post fix expressions 97 5.3 Unary expressions 5.4 Explicit type conversion(cast notation) 117 5.5 Pointer-to-membe 118 Mult iplicative operators 119 5.7 Additi 119 5.9 Relational operators 121 5.10 Equality operat 122 5.11 Bitwise AND operator 5.12 Bitwise exclusive OR opcrator 123 5.14 Logical AND opcrator eralvr 5.13 Bit wise inclusive oR 123 123 5.15 Logical OR operator 124 5.16 Conditional operator 124 5. 17 Assignment and compound assignment operators 125 5.18 12 5. 19 Const, arIt expressions 6 Statements 130 6.1 Labeled statement 1:30 6.2 Expression statement 130 6.3 Compound statement or block 1:30 131 6.5 Iteration statements 13 6.6 Jump statellleilts 136 6.7 Declaration statement 137 6. 8 AInbiguity resolution 7 Declarations 140 7.1 Specifiers 7.2 Enumeration declarations 157 Conte C ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved SO/EC148822011(E 7. 3 Namespaces 161 7. 4 The asm declaration 173 7.5 Linkage specilications 174 7.6 Attrit 17 182 8.1 Type names 183 8.2 Ambiguity resolution 8.3 Meaning of declarators .186 unction dcfinitions 8.5 Initializers 202 9 classes 216 9.1 Class llanes 218 9.2 Class members 9.3 Member functions 4 Static members 225 9.5 Unions 9.6 Bit-fields 229 9.7 Nested class declarations 229 9. 8 Local class declarations 9.9 Nested type names 231 10 Derived classes 233 10.1 Multiple base classes 10.2 Member larne lookup 236 10.3 Virtual functions 240 10.4 Abstract classes 24 11 Member access control 246 fliers 248 11.2 Accessibility of base classes and base class members 249 11.3 Friends 251 11.4 Protected member access 11.5 Access to virtual functions 255 11.6 Multiple access 256 11.7 Nested classes 256 12 Special member functions 257 12.1 Constructors 12.2 Temporary objects 12.3 Conversions 262 12. Destructors 265 ee store 12.6 initialization 269 12.7 Construction and destruction 275 12.8 Copying and g class object 278 12.9 Inheriting constructors 286 13 Overloading 289 13.1 Overloadable declarations 289 Cont O ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved lsO"EC14882:2011(E 13.2 Declaration matching 291 13.3 Overload rcsolution 292 3.1 Address of overloaded function 311 13.5 Overloaded operators 313 13.6 Built-in operators 14 Templates 321 14.1 Template parameters 14.2 Names of template specializations 325 14.3 Template arguments 32 14.4 Type equivalence 14.5 Template declarations 11.6N 352 14.7 Template instantiation and specialization 着 366 14.8 Function template specializations 15 Exception handling 400 15.1Th g an exception 15.2 Constructors and destructors 403 15.3 Handling g 15.4 Exception specifications 405 15.5 Special functi 409 16 Preprocessing directives 411 16.1 Conditio 413 16.2 Source file inclusion 114 16. 3 Macro replacement 415 16.4in 420 16.5 Error directive 421 16.6 Pragina directiv 121 16.7 Null directive 421 16. 8 Predefined Nacro marnes 421 16.9 Pragma operate 1 7 Library introduction 424 17.1 General 424 17.2 The 17.3 Definitions 425 17.4 Additional definitions 428 17.5 Method of description (Informative) 428 17.6 Library-wide requirements 434 18 Language support library 454 8. 1 General 454 8.2T 454 18.3 Implementation propertics 455 18.4 Integer types 464 18.5 Start and termination 18.6 Dynamic memory management. 18.7 Type identification 473 18.8 Exception handling ,475 Contents C ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved SO/EC148822011(E 18.9 Initializer lists 480 18.10 Other runtimc support 481 19 Diagnostics library 484 19.1 Gencral 484 19.2 Exception classes 484 1 9.3 Assertions 488 19. 4 Frror numbers .489 19.5 System error support .489 20 Gencral utilities library 500 20.1 General 500 20.2 Utility components 20.3 Pairs 504 20. 4 Tuples 508 te bitset 518 20.6 Memo 525 20.7 Smart pointers·· 540 20.8 Function objects 66 20.9 Metaprogramming and type traits 585 20.10 Compile-time rational arithmetic 602 605 20.12 Class template scoped_allocator_ada 20.13 Class type index 21 strings library 628 21.1 Gcncral 21.2C 21. 3 String cla 634 21. 4 Class template basic_string .638 21.5 Numcric conversions 6 Hash support 666 21.7 Null-terminated sequence utilities 22 Localization library 671 22.2 Header synopsIs 671 22.3 Locales 672 22.4 Standard locale categories 684 22.5 Standard code conversion facets 22.6 C library locales 726 23 Containers library 728 23.2 Container requirements 72 23. 3 Scqucncc containers 754 23.4 Associative containers 786 23.5 Unordered associative containers 23.6 Container adaptors 819 24 Iterators library 829 Cont O ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved V11 lsO"EC14882:2011(E 21.1 General 829 24.2 Iterator requirements 24.3H tOpsIS 24.4 Iterator primitives 24.5 Iterator adapte 24.6 Stream iterators 855 25 Algorithms library 863 863 25.2 Non-modifying sequcnce opcrations 873 25.3 Mutat 25.4 Sorting and rclated opcrations 25.5 C library algorithIns 900 26 Numerics library 902 26.1 General 902 26.2 Numeric type rcquircmcnts 902 26.3 The foating-point, environment. 903 26.4 Complex numbers 904 26.5 Random number generation 914 26.6 Numeric arrays 959 26.7 Generalized numeric operations ,,,981 26.8 C library 27 Input / output library 989 27.1 Gemeral 989 27.2 iostreams requirements 990 27.3 Forward declarations 990 27. 4 Standard iostream objects 27.5 lostreallls base classes 994 27.6 Strcam buffers 1013 27.7 Formatting auld manipulators 1023 27.8 String-based streams .1049 27.9 File-based strearns .1061 28 Regular expressions library 1076 28.1 Genera, I .1076 28.2 Definitions 1076 28.3 Requirements 1077 28.4 Header synopsIs ..1079 28.5 Namespace std:: regex_constants 1086 28.6 Class regex_error 1089 28.7 Class template regex_traits 108 28.8 Class template basic_ regex 1092 28.9 Class template sub_match .1097 28.10 Class template match_results 1103 28.11 Regular expression algorithms 108 28.12 Regular expression iterators 1113 28.13 Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar 1119 29 Atomic opcrations library 1122 Contents 111 C ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved soEc14882:2011E 9.1 Gemeral 112 29.2 IIcadcr synopsis 1122 29.3 Order and consistency 1125 29.4 Lock-free property 1128 29.5 Ato 1128 29.6 Operations on atomic types 1132 29.7 Flag type and operations .1137 2 9.8 Fences 1138 30 Thread support library 1140 30.1 General 114 30.2 R.cquircmcnt 1140 30.3 Threads 1143 30.4 Mutual exclusion 着 1149 30.5 Condition variables 1162 30.6 Futures 1170 A Grammar summary 1187 1187 A2 Lexical conventions .1187 A 3 Basic concepts A 4 Expressions ,,,1192 A. 5 Statements ,.1195 A 6 Declarations 1 A 7 Declarators A 8 Classes 1202 A 9 Deri 1203 A 10 Special member functions 1203 A 11 Overloader 1204 A 12 Templates 1204 A 13 Exception handlin 1205 A 14 Preprocessing directives 1205 B Implernent ation quantities 1207 C Compatibility 1209 升+ and isoc 1209 C2 C++ and ISo C++ 2003 1218 C 3 C standard library 1225 D Compatibility features 1229 D 1 Increment operator with bool operand 1229 D 2 register ke D 3 Implicit declaration of copy functions 1229 1229 D 4 Dynamic ex cifications 12 Ds C standard library headers 1229 D6 Old iostreams members 1230 D7 char* streams 1231 D8 Function objects 124 D 9 Binde 1243 D 10 auto ptr 1245 Cont O ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved lsO"EC14882:2011(E D 11 Violating eiceplioTl-specificalions 1247 E Universal character names for identifier characters 1249 Ranges of characters allowed 1249 E2 Ranges of characters disallowed initiall 1249 F Cross references 1250 Index 1268 Index of grammar productions 1297 Index of library names 1300 Index of implementation-defined behavior 1336 Contents C ISO/EC 2011- All rights reserved