PBGUIControls.zip Version 2.3.0 - for PB11.5 .Net Winforms

cndn_sychen 26 0 ZIP 2018-12-08 00:12:50

费了九牛二虎之力才下载下来的。很好的PB界面控件,分几个版本,漂亮的说 PBGUIControls.zip Version 2.3.0 - for PB9.0 PBGUIControls.zip Version 2.3.0 - for PB10.5 PBGUIControls.zip Version 2.3.0 - for PB11.1\11.2 .Net Winforms PBGUIControls.zip Version 2.3.0 - for PB11.5 .Net Winforms PowerDock acts as a replacement to PowerBuilder's traditional MDI frame window. It gives users a tabed interface to navigate between open windows. Additionally, it allows you to dock and pin commonly used functions to the top, bottom, left, or right sides of the window. 新版修改功能: Ve rsion 2.3.0 - Oct 07, 2008 - General - Support for PB11.5 - PowerDock - Made to look more like Visual Studio - Toolbar Strip - Open toolbar button on the right hand side - Tab Control - You can now display an arrow\menu for tab navigation instead of scroll arrows
