C# and .NET Core Test Driven Development
C# and .NET Core Test-Driven Development Dive into TDD to create flexible, maintainable, and production-ready .NET Core applications.
unit test in C#
unit test in C# ,englisth edition
11 2020-08-29 -
Core C#and.NET
Core C# and .NET is the no-nonsense, example-rich guide to achieving exceptional results with C# 2.0
22 2021-01-16 -
C#高级编程C#6.NET CORE1.0
C#高级编程 C#6&.NET CORE 1.0 第10版,作为经典C#畅销书,本书涵盖了充分利用升级功能,积极简化工作流程所需的全部信息。本书循序渐进地讲解了VisualStudio2015
11 2021-05-10 -
28 2019-10-20 -
Model Driven Development with Executable UML.pdf
Model-Driven Development with Executable UML
20 2020-09-19 -
Development of a monolithic compliant SPCA driven micro gripper
Development of a monolithic compliant SPCA-driven micro-gripper
8 2021-02-26 -
C#7and.NET Core Modern Cross_Platform Development2nd
C# 7 and .NET Core Modern Cross-Platform Development 2nd
22 2018-12-08 -
C#7and.NET Core Modern Cross_Platform Development_Second Edition
epub格式,文字版,完整3级目录。 C# 7 and .NET Core Modern Cross-Platform Development - Second Edition.epub
27 2018-12-08 -
C#7.1and.NET Core2.0Modern CrossPlatform Development3rd
38 2019-07-31 -
asp.net core敏捷开发框架c#源码
asp.net core c# 语言开发,开发环境:vs2015,数据库支持:mysql、oracle、sqlserver等
17 2020-08-29