Deep Learning based Diagnosis of COVID-19 usingChest CT-scan Images
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that primarily affects lungs. This virus has spread in almost every continent.Countries are racing to slow down the spread by testing and treating patients. To diagnose the infected people, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test is used. Because of colossal demand; PCR kits are under shortage, and to overcome this; radiographic techniques such as X-rays and CT-scan can be used for diagnostic purpose. In this paper, deep learning technology is used to diagnose COVID-19 in subjects through chest CT-scan. EfficientNet deep learning architecture is used for timely and accurate detection of coronavirus with an accuracy 0.897, F1 score 0.896, and AUC 0.895. Three different learning rate strategies are used, such as reducing the learning rate when model performance stops increasing (reduce on plateau), cyclic learning rate, and constant learning rate. Reduce on plateau strategy achieved F1-score of 0.9, cyclic learning rate and constant learning rate resulted in F1-score of 0.86 and 0.82, respectively. Implementation is available at github.com/talhaanwarch/Corona\_Virus/tree/master/CT\_scan