Cascading optofluidic phase modulators for performance enhancement in refractive
Three dimensional optical metamaterial with a negative refractive index
17 2020-07-18 -
A miniaturized system for measurement of the refractive index of sub microliter
This study introduced the research and development of a portable and miniaturized system for the mea
17 2021-04-18 -
Enhanced Kerr nonlinearity in a negative refractive atomic medium
The Kerr nonlinearity of a left-handed material is analyzed in a four-level atomic system. It is sho
13 2021-04-08 -
Plasmonic circular resonators for refractive index sensors and filters
A plasmonic refractive index sensor based on a circular resonator is proposed. With all three dimens
24 2021-02-26 -
Characterization of external refractive index sensitivity of a photonic crystal
Long-period gratings (LPGs) are fabricated in a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) using the symmetric poi
22 2021-03-11 -
Refractive Index Change and Color Center Formation in LiYF
The refractive index change and color centers formation in LiYF4 crystal at room temperature are ind
15 2021-02-09 -
Fabrication and Determination of Refractive Index Profile of the Planar Waveguid
Several planar waveguides have been fabricated. The waveguides have been polished for determination
16 2021-02-10 -
Tunable nonlinear refractive index of two dimensional MoS
Liquid-phase-exfoliation technology was utilized to prepare layered MoS
14 2021-02-08 -
Phase shift monitoring of delay line interferometer and its application in phase
The relation between the phase shift and the mean optical power (MOP) output from a delay-line inter
23 2021-01-31 -
Local Composition Model for the Phase Equilibrium Phase Densities and Surface Te
23 2020-07-18