Spectrally resolved Hong–Ou–Mandel interferometry for quantum optical coherence
Dispersion measurements of water with spectral interferometry
The spectral relative phase is directly derived from the spectrally resolved interferogram by the Fo
18 2021-02-27 -
Quantum Computationand Quantum Information
Quantum Computationand Quantum Information 量子计算 量子信息
50 2018-12-07 -
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
One of the most cited books in physics of all time, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information rema
162 2019-03-29 -
Nonparaxial propagation of spatially and spectrally partially coherent electroma
13 2021-02-26
A spectrally tunable plasmonic photosensor with an ultrathin semiconductor regio
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has been widely utilized to improve the absorption performance in th
16 2021-02-23 -
repeat promise until resolved源码
一个实用程序,可以轻松地重复执行基于promise的任务,直到成功为止。 在Node和浏览器中均可使用。 安装 $ npm install repeat-promise-until-resolved
21 2021-04-03 -
Optical properties of1.3mum InAs GaAs quantum dots grown by metal organic che
The optical properties of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaAs substrate grown by metal-or
38 2021-02-15 -
Optical properties of excitons in strained Gax In1xAs GaAs quantum dot ef fect
Taking into account anisotropy, nonparabolicity of the conduction band, and geometrical confinement,
22 2021-02-15 -
本文集由水库热心网友制作, 基本涵盖了 yevon_ou 从 2003 年到 2013 年 9 月在 91facai, 安家,水库, 篱笆,天涯等网站上发表的多数精彩文章。
18 2020-07-17 -
coherence.jar coherence work.jar tangosol.jar
20 2020-06-03