Generation and noise analysis of a wide band optical frequency comb based on re
By optimizing the gain configuration and length of the loop, a 90-tone optical frequency comb (OFC) is successfully generated based on recirculating frequency shifter structure. The peak-to-peak power fluctuation of the 90-tone OFC is 4.26 dB and the tone-to-noise ratio is higher than 19.17 dB. To f
Robust generation of frequency combs in a microresonator with strong and narrowb
Octave-spanning frequency comb generation in microresonators is promising, but strong spectral losse
16 2021-02-17 -
Improvements in electrical properties low frequency noise and detection performa
Improvements in electrical properties, low frequency noise and detection performance of a Mn-based b
7 2021-02-21 -
Adaptive Feed Forward Control of Low Frequency Interior Noise
虽然本书从基本概念入手,但读者应熟悉工程力学和/或工程声学(包括实验技术),系统理论和数值数学。 因此,目标受众包括研究生,专业工程师和从事机电一体化研究的研究人员,特别是在有源内部噪声控制领域。
16 2021-04-22 -
Frequency synthesis of forced opto electronic oscillators at the X band
Ultra-low phase noise performance is required for frequency agile local oscillators, which are the c
18 2021-02-07 -
Spectrogram Cepstrum and Mel Frequency Analysis
11 2020-08-15 -
23 2020-07-17 -
Time Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing
39 2019-07-07 -
Time Domain and Frequency Spectrum Analysis
51 2019-06-05 -
Wavelets and Time_Frequency Analysis
22 2019-06-05 -
Frequency Analysis Utility-开源
6 2024-07-30