Computer-assisted cervical screening is an effective method to save the doctors' workload and improv
To improve the accuracy of corner’s detection in the traditional black and white chessboard, a new m
This paper describes an approach to real-time optical flow computation that combines the corner feat
Cluster Analysis based on Contextual Features Extraction for Conversational Corpus
An Image Registration Method Based on the Combination of Multiple Image Features
Text Clustering on Authorship Attribution Based on Features of Punctuation Usage in Chinese
本文采用调制频谱特征来自动识别人的语音中的情感信息。受人耳听觉系统启发,语音信号通过听觉滤波器组以及调制滤波器组得到长时频域-时域表示,从而获得 声学频率和时域调制频率的信息,进而提取出调制频谱特征。
A new sub-aperture overlapping area fusion algorithm based on wavelet transformation is proposed to
In this paper, a novel image fusion method based on the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and