Fast Postmoisture Treatment of Luminescent Perovskite Films for Efficient Light
Efficient All Solution Processed Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes Enabled by Sma
Efficient All-Solution-Processed Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Enabled by Small-Molecule Doped El
13 2021-04-18 -
Revealing the Role of Interfaces in Photocarrier Dynamics of Perovskite Films by
Revealing the Role of Interfaces in Photocarrier Dynamics of Perovskite Films by Alternating Front/B
11 2021-02-17 -
Fast Efficient and Predictabl
The influence of embedded systems is constantly growing. Increasingly powerfuland versaTIle devices
21 2022-10-19 -
Highly luminescent and stable lead free cesium copper halide perovskite powders
Lead halide perovskites have drawn extensive attention over recent decades owing to their outstandin
19 2021-01-31 -
Constructing Mie Scattering Porous Interface Fused Perovskite Films to Syne
Constructing Mie-Scattering Porous Interface-Fused Perovskite Films to Synergistically Boost Light H
17 2021-04-27 -
Ag Incorporated Organic Inorganic Perovskite Films and Planar Heterojunction Sol
Controlled doping for adjustable material polarity and charge carrier concentration is the basis of
22 2021-02-22 -
Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational electromagnetics
23 2020-06-14 -
Fast and Efficient Compression of FloatingPoint Data
36 2019-09-24 -
Triple cation perovskite solar cells for visible light communications
Hybrid perovskite materials are widely researched due to their high absorptivity, inexpensive synthe
31 2021-01-31 -
fltk The Fast Light Tool Kit
FLTK,如同其名字所表达的:The Fast Light Tool Kit,一个轻量级的GUI开发库。但这轻量级并不代表功能的羸弱,相反,FLTK在具有基本的GUI功能之外,还拥有一些特殊的功能,比
52 2018-12-29