Cryptanalyzing a Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on Hybrid Hyper Chaotic Sys
Dominant color extraction based color correction for multi view images
Color information is very important in setting the style of images. In this paper, a color correctio
30 2021-02-24 -
Image Color Picker find colors from image crx插件
语言:English 使用此图像颜色选择器从图像中查找颜色HEX,RGB,HSL和CMYK值。 单击此镶边扩展程序图标可在浏览的网页中显示图像列表。 选择其中一张图像,然后将打开图像颜色选择器工具。
18 2021-04-27 -
基于指纹的加密 属性加密 论文 很经典 介绍了指纹加密的算法 证明了其安全性 安全性证明很经典 希望想学习的人可以多次阅读 我就是通过多次阅读后才掌握了其深意
21 2020-08-29 -
Full Verifiability for Outsourced Decryption in Attribute Based Encryption
Full Verifiability for Outsourced Decryption in Attribute Based Encryption
14 2021-02-21 -
A research of facial biometric encryption based on fuzzy extraction
A research of facial biometric encryption based on fuzzy extraction
14 2021-02-09 -
Ampare Image Color Picker crx插件
语言:English (United States) 从特定图像像素获取CSS颜色值 Ampare图像颜色像素是一款简单的软件,可让您从喜欢的图像上的特定像素中选择CSS颜色值。
12 2021-04-27 -
Sparse Feature Adaptive Steganography in Color Image
Sparse Feature Adaptive Steganography in Color Image
14 2021-02-09 -
VCPA based hybrid
光谱信息的特征选择,通过云永欢等提出的VCPA来进行光谱信息的特征选择(文件中包含了VCPA,IRIV,VCPA-GA以及VCPA-IRIV等光谱的变量选择算法)。In this study, we
29 2020-07-17 -
A Cooperative Diversity Scheme Based on Quadrature Signaling
A bandwidth and energy efficient cooperative diversity scheme based on quadrature signaling is propo
28 2021-04-18 -
A Forward Secure Certificate Based Signature Scheme
A Forward-Secure Certificate-Based Signature Scheme
21 2021-02-23