Single mode output by controlling the spatiotemporal nonlinearities in mode lock
Ralink无线驱动有SoftAP_Mode STA_Mode
18 2020-01-13 -
Central distance of interferential mode patterns of elliptical core two mode fib
By means of the weakly guiding approximation, the mode spot sizes Wx and Wy of the fundamental mode
12 2021-04-22 -
Numerical analysis of intermodal delay in few mode fibers for mode division mult
Numerical analysis of intermodal delay in few-mode fibers for mode division multiplexing in optical
14 2021-02-26 -
org mode orgmode.org的org mode镜像源码
-*-模式:org; 填充栏:70-*- 这是Org(纯文本注释和Emacs的项目计划工具)的发行版本。 检查的和。 本发行内容 自述文件 这个文件。 影印 GNU通用公共许可证。 生成文件 用于编译
34 2021-02-21 -
Soliton Mode locked Large Mode Area Tm Doped Fiber Oscillator
Soliton Mode-locked Large-Mode-Area Tm-Doped Fiber Oscillator
18 2021-04-24 -
org superstar mode使org mode星级更超级源码
29 2021-02-07 -
Generation of cylindrical vector beams in a mode locked fiber laser using a mode
We experimentally obtain cylindrical vector beams (CVBs) in a passively mode-locked fiber laser base
27 2021-02-06 -
Real time observation of vortex mode switching in a narrow linewidth mode locked
Temporal and spatial resonant modes are always possessed in physical systems with energy oscillation
10 2021-02-01 -
论文研究Onecore to twocore single mode fiber coupling analysis based on beam propaga
22 2019-09-05 -
Miniaturized dual mode dual band BPF using a single square patch loaded stepped
Miniaturized dual-mode dual-band BPF using a single square patch loaded stepped-impedance square ope
6 2021-03-21