We present an all-optical chaotic multi-quantum-well (MQW) laser repeater system to be used in long-
We have studied a switchable hyperbolic metamaterial composed of a graphene–dielectric periodic stru
Theoretical investigation of phase-based all-optical NOT, XOR and XNOR logic gates based on AlGaAs m
To exploit the parallelism of optics in data processing, a suitable number system and an efficient e
We design and demonstrate an all-optical temporal differentiator based on a simple Moire fiber grati
We propose an d simul ate an all - optical tunable notch filter base d on a sum-frequency generation
Theoretical investigation of phase-based all-optical logic gates based on AlGaAs microring resonator
Based on the second-order nonlinearity, we present a bidirectional tunable all-optical switch at C-b
Dammann-grating-based passive phase locking by an all-optical feedback loop
Erbium fiber lasers of continuous mode outputs and of pulsed picosecond and sub-picosecond pulses tr