LiREP: Lightweight Incremental Reprogramming of Sensor Nodes Based On In situ Mo
LiREP Lightweight Incremental Reprogramming of Sensor Nodes Based On In situ Mo
LiREP: Lightweight Incremental Reprogramming of Sensor Nodes Based On In-situ Modification
7 2021-02-07 -
A LightWeight and DensityAware Reprogramming Protocol
22 2019-09-23 -
Lossy nodes inference based on end to end passive monitoring in wireless sensor
This paper presents a passive monitoring mechanism, lossy nodes inference (LoNI), to identify lossy
33 2021-02-28 -
Optimal beacon nodes based centroid localization algorithm for wireless sensor n
Optimal beacon nodes-based centroid localization algorithm for wireless sensor network
16 2021-02-25 -
R2Incremental Reprogramming Using Relocatable Code in Networked Embedded Syste
R2: Incremental Reprogramming Using Relocatable Code in Networked Embedded Systems
2 2021-02-25 -
SVD Based Incremental Approaches for Recommender Systems
SVD-Based Incremental Approaches for Recommender Systems
7 2021-02-25 -
Low overhead authentication method for reprogramming protocol based on rateless
Low-overhead authentication method for reprogramming protocol based on rateless codes in wireless se
7 2021-04-20 -
Design and Implementation of Programmable Nodes in Software Defined Sensor Netwo
Design and Implementation of Programmable Nodes in Software Defined Sensor Networks
12 2021-02-10 -
Estimation of phytoplankton primary production based on in situ hyperspectral an
16 2020-03-20 -
SmartPhone Assisted Over air Reprogramming Based on Visible Light Communication
SmartPhone-Assisted Over-air Reprogramming Based on Visible Light Communication
16 2021-02-08