Predicting Search User Examination with Visual Saliency
Predicting Search User Examination with Visual Saliency
Predicting and Generating Wallpaper Texture with Semantic Properties
Predicting and Generating Wallpaper Texture with Semantic Properties
10 2021-02-09 -
30 2019-06-05 -
The Development and Design of Online Examination SystemBased on ASP.NET
14 2019-09-15 -
saliency detection on light fieldcvpr2014code
24 2020-05-05 -
Saliency SVM图像分割的自动方法
5 2021-04-21 -
Looking Into Saliency Model via Space Time Visualization
Looking Into Saliency Model via Space-Time Visualization
9 2021-02-27 -
Saliency Snake A unified framework with adaptive initial curve
Saliency Snake: A unified framework with adaptive initial curve
7 2021-02-19 -
Depth saliency based on anisotropic center surround difference
Depth saliency based on anisotropic center-surround difference
5 2021-02-21 -
Saliency guided improvement for hand posture detection and recognition
To detect and recognise hand postures against complex backgrounds, we propose a novel model that is
13 2021-02-21 -
A multi scale space based method for saliency detection
A multi-scale space based method for saliency detection
18 2021-02-09