Joint User Scheduling and Antenna Selection in Distributed Massive MIMO Systems
24 2018-12-09 -
Distributed Systems Concepts And Design solution
分布式概念与设计的习题答案.By George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg Addison-Wesley, ©Pearson Educatio
49 2018-12-09 -
10 2021-05-02 -
Designing Distributed Systems2018
•Understand how patterns and reusable components enable the rapid development of reliable distribute
36 2018-12-29 -
Introduction to Distributed Systems Paul Sivilotti
Introduction to Distributed Systems
7 2021-05-08 -
Building Scalable and Reliable Distributed Systems
Learn how to design and build distributed systems that are scalable, reliable, and easy to maintain
18 2023-04-28 -
Joint scheduling and routing algorithm with load balancing in wireless mesh netw
Joint scheduling and routing algorithm with load balancing in wireless mesh networks
14 2021-03-02 -
Joint routing and scheduling for transmission service in software defined full d
Joint routing and scheduling for transmission service in software-defined full-duplex wireless netwo
13 2021-02-08 -
MMV AMP Algorithm for Massive Connectivity with Massive MIMO此代码是书面的源码
MMV-AMP算法 该代码适用于纸张: 和 抽象的 这份由两部分组成的论文考虑了上行链路大规模设备通信场景,其中大量设备连接到基站(BS),但是用户流量是零星的,因此在任何给定的一致性间隔中,只有一部
7 2021-04-17 -
A Scheduling Framework for Periodic Tasks in Geo Distributed Data Centers
A Scheduling Framework for Periodic Tasks in Geo-Distributed Data Centers
11 2021-02-08