Approximately Truthful Mechanisms for Radio Spectrum Allocation
Photoemission mechanisms of methane in intense laser fields
The visible and near-UV emission spectroscopy of methane (CH4) induced by a femtosecond intense lase
9 2021-02-09 -
Latent Dirichlet allocation code
19 2019-09-07 -
covariance matrix and capital allocation
covariance matrix and capital allocation
36 2018-12-26 -
function [Cond_chan,timelong]=Chanbase global detaT Tnum subNum Chanat %信道状况矩阵 Psub=2; %自有信道数量 Cond_
18 2021-04-25 -
Greedy algorithm for power allocation
Allocate power to sub-carrier for single user by greedy algorithm
14 2021-04-19 -
ctsc work allocation源码
CTSC工作分配服务 目的 此应用程序的目的是将不同的HMCTS服务与8x8联络中心集成在一起。 概述 该应用程序是基于Java的Spring Boot框架编写的。 有两种集成方式: 通过CCD弹性搜
12 2021-03-28 -
A Truthful Two Stage Mechanism for Eliciting Probabilistic Estimates.pdf
A Truthful Two-Stage Mechanism for Eliciting Probabilistic Estimates.pdf
17 2020-07-17 -
Truthful Cost sharing for Optimal Energy Efficient Routing Solution in Clustered
Truthful Cost sharing for Optimal Energy-Efficient Routing Solution in Clustered Wireless Sensor Net
13 2021-02-16 -
A truthful double auction for two sided heterogeneous mobile crowdsensing market
A truthful double auction for two-sided heterogeneous mobile crowdsensing markets
8 2021-02-09 -
spectrum css Spectrum设计语言的标准CSS实施源码
频谱CSS Spectrum CSS为Spectrum设计语言提供了标准CSS实现,供Adobe平台上的内部和第三方使用。 给我看一个演示 查看获取Spectrum CSS中包含的每个组件的演示。 J
31 2021-02-08