The paper studies asynchronous consensus problems of continuous-time multi-agent systems with discon
Stochastic finite-time stability of nonlinear Markovian switching systems with impulsive effects
Group consensus of discrete-time multi-agent systems with fixed and stochastic switching topologies
Couple-group consensus for second-order multi-agent systems with fixed and stochastic switching topo
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我们画出简单神经网络与欠定线性系统之间的联系,以全面探索神经网络研究中的几个有趣的理论问题。首先,我们着重表明,此类网络可以实现零培训损失,这不足为奇。.. 更具体地说,我们提供了单个隐藏层神经网络宽
Particle swarm optimization based task scheduling for multi-core systems under aging effect
Dynamic output feedback control for a class of switched delay systems under asynchronous switching