High-dimensional entanglement is a valuable resource for secure and efficient quantum information pr
By means of concurrence, we investigate the dynamics of entanglement between two initially separate
无限维量子系统中强于CCNR判据的纠缠判据,郭钰,侯晋川,利用量子态与它的约化态及重排的关系,建立两个对于无限维二体可分态都满足的不等式. 其中一个不等式作为纠缠判据严格强于可计算交
We show that controlled-controlled-NOT (CCN) operation-based entanglement purification protocol can
The pairwise entanglement dynamics in a multipartite open system consisting of three entangled cavit
We propose a feasible scheme of generating multipartite entanglement with the dipole induced transpa
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