Timeout Strategy based Mobility Management for Software Defined Satellite Networ
Blog Management System Based on JSP
14 2020-08-29 -
folder_based photo management
17 2019-06-28 -
Systematic Beam Management in mmWave Network Tradeoff Among User Mobility Link
Systematic Beam Management in mmWave Network: Tradeoff Among User Mobility, Link Outage, and Interfe
3 2021-02-09 -
A Practical Detection of Non Cooperative Satellite Based on Ellipse Fitting
23 2020-11-05 -
a trust based routing protocol for multi layered satellite networks
15 2020-10-30 -
Frequency offset estimation in the intermediate frequency for satellite based AI
Frequency offset estimation in the intermediate frequency for satellite-based AIS signals
10 2021-02-08 -
Passive radar detection based on advanced broadcasting system satellite
This paper investigates the passive radar detection system which exploits advanced broadcasting syst
27 2021-04-16 -
Incremental locallylinear embedding based fault detection for satellite attitude
Incremental locallylinear embedding-based fault detection for satellite attitude control systems
21 2021-02-24 -
Topology Based Data Dissemination Approaches for Large Scale Data Centric Networ
Topology-Based Data Dissemination Approaches for Large Scale Data Centric Networking Architecture
12 2021-05-05 -
A Weighted Frequency Based Cache Memory Replacement Policy for Named Data Networ
A Weighted Frequency Based Cache Memory Replacement Policy for Named Data Networking
10 2021-04-07