shape identification in tripod robot control system
git distributed version control system
Git is a free & open source, distributed version control system designed to handle everything fr
20 2021-05-02 -
High Precision Aerial Control System
quadrotor_autonomy Quadrotor Trajectory Repository跟随卡内基梅隆大学16662机器人自主课程项目,2013年Spring课程。该项目的目标是为Quad
0 2024-10-12 -
Effect of Poles to the Automatic Control System
Effect of Poles to the Automatic Control System
10 2021-02-25 -
The Main Control System of UUV for Maricultre
The Main Control System of UUV for Maricultre
6 2021-02-22 -
System_Identification使用MATLAB System IdentificationToolbox和PID参数调整源码
System_Identification:使用MATLAB System Identification Toolbox和PID参数调整
9 2021-02-08 -
Study on the morphology and shape control of volcano shaped atterned sapphire su
Study on the morphology and shape control of volcano-shaped atterned sapphire substrates fabricated
7 2021-02-26 -
Model Predictive Control of a Mobile Robot Using.rar
Abstract— This paper presents an optimal control scheme for a wheeled mobile robot (WMR) with nonhol
22 2020-07-17 -
Adaptive output feedback tracking control of a nonholonomic mobile robot
Adaptive output feedback tracking control of a nonholonomic mobile robot
15 2021-04-06 -
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgical Robot Velocity Control Method
Vertebral pedicle screw placement is an important part of spine surgery, surgreons hand screw placem
9 2021-02-10 -
Electric Drive Control System Rockwell PLC Motion Control Application
0 2024-12-13