DistR: A Distributed Methodfor the Reachability Query over Large Uncertain Graph
DistR: A Distributed Methodfor the Reachability Query over Large Uncertain Graphs
A reachability query method based on labeling index on large scale graphs
A reachability query method based on labeling index on large-scale graphs
17 2021-02-09 -
Efficient Sampling Methods for Shortest Path Query over Uncertain Graphs
Efficient Sampling Methods for Shortest Path Query over Uncertain Graphs
15 2021-02-23 -
Mining Frequent Subgraphs over Uncertain Graph Databases under Probabilistic Sem
Mining Frequent Subgraphs over Uncertain Graph Databases under Probabilistic Semantics
10 2021-02-23 -
A Comprehensive Study for Essentiality of Graph Based Distributed SPARQL Query P
A Comprehensive Study for Essentiality of Graph Based Distributed SPARQL Query Processing
10 2021-02-09 -
A keyword query method for uncertain database
A keyword query method for uncertain database
9 2021-02-23 -
Large networks and graph limits
26 2019-07-18 -
Computing label_constraint Reachability in Graph Databases
38 2018-12-20 -
FERRARI Flexible and Efficient Reachability Range Assignment for Graph Indexin
FERRARI: Flexible and Efficient Reachability Range Assignment for Graph IndexingStephan Seufert1, Av
16 2021-05-01 -
Distributed Graph Algorithms for Computer Networks
43 2019-07-17 -
Extreme learning machine for classification over uncertain data
Extreme learning machine for classification over uncertain data
16 2021-02-22