Hypothesis Pruning in Learning Word Alignment
7 2021-04-07 -
Accurate and efficient ground to aerial model alignment
Accurate and efficient ground-to-aerial model alignment
7 2021-02-22 -
Single lens sensor and reference for auto alignment
Auto-alignment is a basic technique for high-power laser systems. Special techniques have been devel
8 2021-02-22 -
One sided Precoder Designs for Interference Alignment
The aim of this paper is to propose a fast convergencealgorithm of precoder to achieve feasible inte
14 2021-02-19 -
14 2020-09-21 -
A hypothesis of3D rainfall tomography using satellite signals
The attenuation of microwave signals due to rainfall, known as rain attenuation, can be used to meas
11 2021-03-12 -
hypothesis test example假设检验示例python源码
14 2021-04-08 -
Multi hypothesis compressed video sensing by two step iterative thresholding
Multi-hypothesis compressed video sensing by two-step iterative thresholding
14 2021-02-10 -
Channel Pruning via Multi_Criteria based on Weight Dependency
通道修剪已证明其在压缩ConvNets方面的有效性。在许多现有技术中,输出特征图的重要性仅由其相关联的滤波器确定。.. 但是,这些方法忽略了下一层中的一小部分权重,该权重在删除特征图时消失。他们忽略了
8 2021-01-24 -
Filter Pruning using Hierarchical Group Sparse Regularization for Deep Convoluti
由于卷积神经网络通常使用冗余参数进行训练,因此有可能减少冗余内核或过滤器以获得紧凑的网络而不会降低分类精度。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用分层组稀疏正则化的过滤修剪方法。.. 在我们以前的工作中表明,分
23 2021-01-24