Novel Watermarked MDC System Based on SFQ Algorithm
Integrated positioning algorithm based on GPS WLAN
In complex urban environment, GPS signals are susceptible to occlusion and interference; the positio
17 2021-02-09 -
A text information hiding algorithm based on alternatives
A text information hiding algorithm based on alternatives
16 2021-02-09 -
GPU based Adaptive Mutation PSO Algorithm
GPU-based Adaptive Mutation PSO Algorithm
13 2021-02-09 -
A customized Hinfinity algorithm for underwater navigation system
25 2019-09-20 -
A novel genotyping algorithm for SNP detection using next generation sequencing
25 2020-05-23 -
论文研究A novel blockmatching algorithm for motion estimation.pdf
19 2019-09-08 -
A Novel User Behavior Prediction and Optimization Algorithm for Single user Mult
A Novel User Behavior Prediction and Optimization Algorithm for Single-user Multi-terminal Scenario
12 2021-02-08 -
论文研究A Novel Fast and Effective Hierarchical ThermalAware Floorplanning Algorithm
48 2020-01-04 -
A novel real time scheduling algorithm and performance analysis of a MapReduce b
A novel real-time scheduling algorithm and performance analysis of a MapReduce-based cloud
14 2021-04-20 -
A novel depth spatial temporal consistency enhancement algorithm for high compre
In free viewpoint video system based on multiview<br />video plus depth, inconsistency
16 2021-03-29