Will You Have a Good Sleep? Sleep Quality Prediction with Mobile Phone.
Energy saving mechanism based on double sleep state algorithm and dynamic double
Energy-saving mechanism based on double-sleep-state algorithm and dynamic double-threshold receiver
18 2021-02-10 -
中文翻译论文The wake sleep algorithm for unsupervised neural networks
The wake-sleep algorithm for unsupervised neural networks 作者Hinton,提出Helmholtz机和wake-sleep算法
12 2020-08-18 -
27 2021-02-01 -
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good.pdf
It's all in the name: Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! is a hilarious, illustrated guide to this
32 2018-12-09 -
14 2020-05-18 -
MetaDetect Uncertainty Quantification and Prediction Quality Estimates for Obje
在具有深层神经网络的目标检测中,盒式目标得分倾向于过于自信,有时甚至表明存在不准确预测的高度可信度。因此,预测的可靠性以及由此带来的不确定性是最重要的。.. 在这项工作中,我们提出了一种后处理方法,该
26 2021-01-24 -
Quality prediction based on HOPLS CP for batch processes
Quality prediction based on HOPLS-CP for batch processes
6 2021-02-19 -
#Desafio Mobile2You# Arquitetura MVP 干净的 改造2 毕加索 协程 ViewBinding的扩展 TestesunitáriosNos信息库
3 2021-04-19 -
Have you ever wanted to change the border style during runti
Have you ever wanted to change the border style during runtime? Now you can using SetWindowLong. Thi
39 2018-12-20 -
Design Of Analog Cmos Integrated Circuits Razavi Good Quality
本書特色 本書強調類比積體電路的基礎,並著重學生和實作工給謅O和精確性,所以本書所介紹的每個觀念,皆先由直覺概念導入,然後再徹底了解基本觀念及分析電路的方式,使讀者學習如何在各種電路使用恰當的近
29 2020-06-10