Brain inspired spatial representatiion based on grid cells with finite spacing f
Vector based navigation using grid like representations in artificial agents
Nature 20180511 刊发的DeepMind的论文,AI复现大脑导航功能,另有特别打包同刊对应的【短文】,以及【访谈录音】。DeepMind重大研究突破再次登上Nature,今天,DeepM
19 2020-07-28 -
A CCA Secure Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on Finite Groups of Lie Type
A CCA Secure Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on Finite Groups of Lie Type
19 2021-05-02 -
Command filter based finite time adaptive fuzzy control for nonlinear systems wi
Command filter-based finite-time adaptive fuzzy control for nonlinear systems with uncertain disturb
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A Hermite differential quadrature finite element method and its application to f
Hermite 微分求积有限元方法及其在薄板自由振动中的应用,邢誉峰,伍洋,提出了一种基于Hermite插值逼近的微分求积有限元方法. 给出了基于Hermite插值多项式的微分求积格式,同时推导了插值
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depth image based rendering with spatial and temporal texture synthesis for3dtv
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High efficiency spatial color separation method based on fractional Talbot ef fe
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