Cross Layering Optimization for Low Energy Consumption in Wireless Body Area Net
Wireless Powered Communications Performance Analysis and Optimization.pdf
Multiuser detection by verdu, C币增加规则之一:博文阅读次数每增加300次,奖励C币。而这博文阅读次数是可以刷的,F5都算的。
17 2020-09-25 -
Throughput optimization for singlehop wireless networks using network coding
23 2019-09-14 -
Wireless Network based Operational Optimization and Control for a Class of Indus
Wireless Network based Operational Optimization and Control for a Class of Industrial Processes
13 2021-04-20 -
Modeling and Optimization of Medium Access in CSMA Wireless Networks with Topolo
Recent studies reveal that the main cause of the well-known unfairness problem in wireless networks
26 2021-03-07 -
A Unified Performance Optimization for Secrecy Wireless Information and Power Tr
A Unified Performance Optimization for Secrecy Wireless Information and Power Transfer Over Interfer
6 2021-02-09 -
Delay and Area Optimization for MPRM Circuits Based on Multi strategy Discrete P
Delay and Area Optimization for MPRM Circuits Based on Multi-strategy Discrete Particle Swarm Optimi
8 2021-02-25 -
Mobile WiMAX Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks.pdf
introduce wimax application in WMAN
39 2018-12-18 -
IEEE P802.15Wireless Personal Area Networks信道建模
IEEE 802.15 信道建模的详细官方文档,供建立仿真模型学习和参考。
7 2021-04-23 -
650nm1x2polymeric thermo optic switch with low power consumption
In this paper, a low-power 1 x 2 polymeric thermo-optic switch operating at the polymer optical fibe
20 2021-03-19 -
论文研究Proportional Fairness Optimization with Energy Efficiency guaranteed for FeI
39 2019-09-22