Damage induced by femtosecond laser in optical dielectric films
Thermal character in organic polymers with nanojoule femtosecond laser ablation
Ablation experiments with femtosecond (fs) laser pulse (pulse duration 37 fs, wavelength 800 nm) on
21 2021-02-19 -
Intense broadband THz generation from femtosecond laser filamentation
Broadband and energetic terahertz (THz) pulses can be remotely generated in air through filamentatio
21 2021-02-21 -
Ultrafast dynamical process of Ge irradiated by the femtosecond laser pulses
The ultrafast dynamic process in semiconductor Ge irradiated by the femtosecond laser pulses is nume
21 2021-02-21 -
Dual wavelength FBG inscribed by femtosecond laser for simultaneous measurement
A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with two transmission dips in 1310- and 1550-nm regions is propose
9 2021-02-18 -
Micro channel etching characteristics enhancement by femtosecond laser processin
A fused silica glass micro-channel can be formed by chemical etching after femtosecond laser irradia
12 2021-02-09 -
Ablation enhancement by defocused irradiation assisted femtosecond laser fabrica
We evaluate the effects of the holes geometry drilled by a femtosecond laser on a stainless alloy wi
28 2021-02-07 -
Controlling neutral fragmentation yields of methane by femtosecond laser pulses
We demonstrate the control of neutral fragmentation of methane (CH4) induced by a Ti:sapphire intens
22 2021-02-07 -
Handbook.of.Laser Induced.Breakdown Spectroscopy
Starting from fundamentals and moving through a thorough discussion of equipment, methods, and techn
17 2020-11-28 -
Controlled calibration method for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a potential technique for rapid analysis of samples p
19 2021-04-26 -
Characteristic of pulsed fiber laser induced by switching time
Laser-diode pumped Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser is studied experimentally by controlling t
21 2021-03-20