continuous time linear equalizer 专利 包含索引 简介 缩略图 公开(公告)号 标题 申请日 公开(公告)日 授权日 发明人 当前申请(专利权)人 IPC分类号 文档链
Steensgaard的论文,指针分析的算法,流不敏感Points-to analysis in almost linear time,Points-to analysis in almost lin
On the Analysis and Improvement of Min-entropy Estimation on Time-varying Data
Adaptive cluster synchronization in networks with time-varying and distributed coupling delays
Formation and obstacles avoidance of leader-follower networks with time-varying coupling delays
Quadratic performance analysis of switched affine time-varying systems
This paper addresses the problem of exponential synchronization of switched genetic oscillators with
Robust synchronization of uncertain complex systems with time-varying delays