Group Representation of Global Intrinsic Symmetries
Useful way to compensate for intrinsic birefringence caused by calcium fluoride
Calcium fluoride is widely used in optical lithography lenses and causes retardation that cannot be
4 2021-02-16 -
x toolkit intrinsic reference manual.part2
===================== 补齐,可下!! ===================== 解压成 x toolkit intrinsic reference manual.part2,加
8 2021-04-22 -
8 2020-07-22 -
Predicting Topic Participation by Jointly Learning User Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Predicting Topic Participation by Jointly Learning User Intrinsic and Extrinsic
7 2021-02-09 -
TEnmo Group Project Tech Elevator Group顶峰项目源码
单元3顶石-TEnmo 恭喜,您已经在TEnmo找到了工作,该产品是在线支付服务,用于在朋友之间转移“ TE bucks”。 但是,他们还没有产品。 您的任务是编写RESTful API服务器和命令行
28 2021-02-20 -
Group Event Detection With a Varying Number of Group Members for Video Surveilla
This paper presents a novel approach for automatic recognition of group activities for video surveil
25 2021-02-23 -
Flink之group by
1、 如果使用 groupby table转换为流的时候只能用toRetractDstream val rDstream: DataStream[(Boolean, (String, Long))]
17 2021-01-15 -
QML Button Group
25 2019-09-03 -
李群lie group
李群的一本书,是扫描版,书的质量不错。 This book is intended for a one year graduate course on Lie groups and Lie algeb
63 2018-12-07 -
mysql group replication
35 2020-05-22