Robust distributed attitude synchronization of multiple three DOF experimental h
Robust distributed attitude synchronization of multiple three-DOF experimental helicopters
vega prime DOF例程
33 2019-09-30 -
键盘 鼠标 一键禁止,一键上锁。如果需要解开,直接输入密码kklquit,如果需要进入配置模式,直接输入密码kklsetup,把所有的功能全选择上。鼠标点击,键盘都不能起作用,起到了保护作用。
12 2021-04-23 -
Robust Control Design Using H∞Methods Ian R.Petersen
20 2019-07-27 -
Robust H∞Damping Control of Multi FACTS Devices forStability Enhancement of Pow
Robust H∞ Damping Control of Multi-FACTS Devices forStability Enhancement of Power Systems
3 2021-02-23 -
AN H.264AVC HDTV watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording
AN H.264/AVC HDTV watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording
11 2021-03-27 -
A novel particle swarm optimization based robust H infinity control for rotorcra
A novel particle swarm optimization based robust H-infinity control for rotorcrafts
10 2021-02-09 -
Distributed H∞filtering for switched stochastic delayed systems over sensor net
Distributed H∞ filtering for switched stochastic delayed systems over sensor networks with fading me
9 2021-02-19 -
Fundamentals of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control
29 2019-09-18 -
A Survey of Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Methods
33 2019-07-23 -
Optimal strapdown attitude integration algorithms
7 2024-07-14