Joint estimation of target state and ionospheric height bias in over the horizon
论文研究Parameter Estimation of Moving Target on Nonuniform Stereo Distributed SAR u
9 2020-04-26 -
论文研究Joint Error Linear Complexity of pnPeriodic Multisequences Over Fp.pdf
6 2020-05-27 -
Bias and Variance
Bias and Variance of Estimator. Variance depends on the number of samples.
22 2018-12-20 -
机器人学领域经典著作State Estimation for Robotics
174 2019-07-27 -
Simon2006Optimal State Estimation Kalman H∞and Nonlinea.pdf
43 2019-08-02 -
State Estimation for Robotics July032020高清英文版pdf
State Estimation for Robotics 《机器人状态估计》英文版原文(2020最新版),已更正前期排版错误;更新时间:July 03 2020年。已按单页排版方便阅读,内容完美。
14 2020-07-30 -
Delay Distribution Dependent H_infinity State Estimation for Discrete Time Memri
Delay-Distribution-Dependent H_infinity State Estimation for Discrete-Time Memristive Neural Network
20 2021-02-26 -
State of Charge Estimation for Li Ion Power Batteries Based on a Tuning Free Obs
State-of-Charge Estimation for Li-Ion Power Batteries Based on a Tuning Free Observer
15 2021-04-04 -
State of charge estimation of LiFePO4battery based on a gain classifier observe
State of charge estimation of LiFePO4 battery based on a gain-classifier observer
30 2021-04-04 -
Feasibility Study of Urban Road Traffic State Estimation Based on Taxi GPS Data
Feasibility Study of Urban Road Traffic State Estimation Based on Taxi GPS Data
14 2021-02-21