The book is an interesting read if only because its topic matter ranges from network complexity in p
Interplay between collective behavior and spreading dynamics on complex networks
A Method for Community Detection of Complex Networks Based on Hierarchical Clustering
The bidirectional selection between two classes widely emerges in various social lives, such as comm
复值时滞神经网络的拉格朗日稳定性,涂正文,曹进德,本文研究了复值时滞神经网络的Lagrange稳定性,借助于矩阵测度和广义的Halanay 不等式获得了能保证复值时滞神经网络拉格朗日指数稳定的�
Epidemic spreading on complex networks with general degree and weight distributions
Modularity in complex multilayer networks with multiple aspects: a static perspective