1) 应用随机过程概率模型导论 第11版 [(美)SHELDON M.ROSS著 2) 英文原版, PDF书签带目录。 本书是国际知名统计学家Sheldon M. Ross所著的关于基础概率理论和随机过程的经典教材,被加州大学伯克利分校、哥伦比亚大学、普度大学、密歇根大学、俄勒冈州立大学、华盛顿大学等众多国外知名大学所采用。 与其他随机过程教材相比,本书非常强调实践性,内含极其丰富的例子和习题,涵盖了众多学科的各种应用。作者富于启发而又不失严密性的叙述方式,有助于使读者建立概率思维方式,培养对概率理论、随机过程的直观感觉。对那些需要将概率理论应用于精算学、计算机科学、管理学和社会科学的读者而言,本书是一本极好的教材或参考书。 第11版新增大量例子和习题,还对连续时间的马尔可夫链、漂移布朗运动等内容做了修订,更加注重强化读者的概率直观。 ============================ Introduction to Probability Models, Eleventh Edition is the latest version of Sheldon Ross's classic bestseller, used extensivel y by professionals and as the primary text for a first undergraduate course in applied probability. The book introduces the reader to elementary probability theory and stochastic processes, and shows how probability theory can be applied fields such as engineering, computer science, management science, the physical and social sciences, and operations research. This text, the second volume of Wayne Winston's successful OPERATIONS RESEARCH: APPLICATIONS AND ALGORITHMS, Fourth Edition, covers probability models with recent contributions from financial engineering, computational simulation and manufacturing. The specific attention to probability models with the addition of recent practical breakthroughs makes this the first text to introduce these ideas together at an accessible level. Excellent problem sets abound. The text provides a balanced approach by developing the underlying theory while illustrating them with interesting examples. All of the necessary mathematical requirements are reviewed in Chapter 1.