neural networks tricks of the trade 神经网络 调优 优化
This Code gives you an opportunity to apply neural network learning to the problem of face recogniti
神经网络中的对称性 这是我的学士论文“探索深度学习中的对称性”的资源库。 第1章:输入排列不变的函数 1.1二进制逻辑功能 1.2 N维逻辑函数 第2章:翻译不变的函数 第3章:旋转和反射不变的函数
An-introduction-to-neural-networks-for-beginners pdf
Finite-time stability and its application for solving time-varying Sylvester equation by recurrent n
In this paper, we address the problem of unknown periodicity for a class of discrete-time nonlinear
Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with diversetime-varying coupling delays
Discontinuous systems
Based on the stability theory of time-delay systems, the synchronization problem of chaotic systems